
Chapter 60


I stood up from my bed, done with the breakfast that Ethan had made me and stepped into the shower, I turned it on and savored the cascade of water down my back. The only other that would have made this perfect was Ethan in here with me.

As soon as I finished bathing, I exited the shower only to get a call from the investigator I'd hired a while back. I picked up the phone on the third ring and placed it on my ear.


"Hello Kimberly, meet me at Saint cafe, there's something you should know."

"Alright, sure, I'll be there." I said in response before hanging up and entering my closet to find something to wear.

I dressed myself up in a cute pink sweater and black bell bottom jeans with my hair curled up into a ponytail. Silver jewelry adorned my neck, wrist and ankles.

I wanted to get to the cafe as fast as possible so I drove myself there without informing Ethan iof where I was going. He'd ask too many questions and probably even follow me and I didn't want that. He worried too much and would probably think I was getting into some trouble that he needed to protect me from.

As soon as I got into the Cafe, I found the investigator sitting and sipping a cup of coffee. There was a box of half eaten doughnut by her side.

She looked up at me as I approached him and gave a curt nod.

"Sorry I'm a bit late."

I apologized, a sheepish look on my face.

"It's okay, I needed to eat anyway. Doughnuts?" He offered me a chocolate glazed doughnut by sliding it halfway to me.

"No, thank you. I'm very much full and don't believe I have any space in my stomach," I said to him and he shrugged, sliding the doughnut back to himself.

"Alright, what was it that you wanted to tell me?" I asked, settling into the seat accross from him.

He took a sip of her coffee and set it down before clasping her hands on the table, giving me her full attention.

"It's not something you are going to like or even believe but I think Ethan is to blame for your parent's accident and demise."

He was right, what he was saying was totally absurd but I was willing to hear him out.

"What do you mean?" I narrowed my eyes at him, needing more information and clarification from him.

"I'm saying that we shouldn't blindly trust this friend of yours because he might have played a huge role in your parents death."

He clarified but I was still not satisfied with his answer. He'd practically said the same thing to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, needing more information.

"I'm saying that we shouldn't blindly trust this God father of yours because he might have played a huge role in your parents death."

He clarified but I was still not satisfied with his answer. He'd practically said the same thing to me in different wordings.

"Do you have proof of this because this is an accusation that doesn't make a lick of sense, you realize that?"

"It's based on instincts, yes but it's also based on some of the patterns I've noticed during my investigation." He said with a small smile.

"I see," I nodded, "but you still haven't given me any concrete reason to believe you.*

I eyed him skeptically.

He dipped his hands in his briefcase in response and took out a file and a flash drive. He slid the paper to me and gestured for me to open it.

"Okay," I muttered with a skeptical tone and flipped open the first page to find someone standing and talking to a man that looked suspiciously like a truck driver at least, judging by the fact that he was leaning against a truck.

"I don't get it?" I looked up at him with my brows knitted together.

"That's your uncle talking to a truck driver." He attempted to clarify but all it did was confuse me even more.

I glanced back at the picture to study the frame of the man talking to the truck driver but I couldn't get anything concrete enough. It was just a man in a hoodie that had his back to the camera.

"I don't see it." I shrugged.

"Okay, well that's Ethan and that truck driver was the man he met years ago to kill your parents. It took me a lot to find the footage of the conversation, though it's a bit unclear but I have it on good authority that on the day your parents died, Ethan visited a truck driver and paid him a huge amount of money to run into your parents on their way to a party. Ethan went through great lengths to cover this up. I found out just recently that the driver was flown out of the country by him and …*

"This is ridiculou," I scoffed, not bothering to let him complete his report. He was practically talking nonsense at this point. There was no way in hell whatever he was saying was true or made any sense.

"Ethan would never do that." I said firmly, looking the investigator in the eye.

*The evidence points to him as the suspect."

*No," I shook my head, standing up from where I sat. I refuse to listen to any more of what he had to say. Ethan would never betray my father. He loved him, with all his heart.

"You don't know what you are talking about. I suggest you get your facts right before reporting any more nonsense to me. Good day." I said in a curt clipped voice before storming out of the cafe, my blood boiling in my veins.

Seemed like I had wasted my time coming to the cafe after all. I might have even wasted my resources on the investigator.

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