
42- She was the reason

“If couples want to get intimate, they must do it in their bedroom!” Gerald spoke strolling to the door not caring if they were following him or not and River gritted her teeth to avoid smiling.

Marwick was walking beside her, but he too was trying to look a little aloof.

River couldn’t help it and hit lightly on Marwick’s shoulder. He remained serious when he pushed her aside playfully.

Poor Gerald was still talking about something, but all River had on her mind was Marwick’s taste on her lips and how he slid his tongue inside her mouth and how… Ouch!

She scrunched her nose when she bumped into Gerald. She didn’t have any idea when these two men stopped walking.

They were now standing in the living room and were looking at her.

“What?” she asked them in confusion.

“He is asking about how you are doing. He wants to know about your health,” Marwick told her straight-faced, “But I don’t know… what you are thinking. Care to share?” Marwick raised a challenging brow, but River could
Lisa Salman

First update of 8/4/2023. Second update will be published after a few hours. (8 to 9 hours) xoxo. Lisa Salman-author

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
This story is getting good. Can’t wait for them to have a ‘ steamy’ night’ haha
goodnovel comment avatar
Agnes Vishal Singh
I m loving the story

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