
Part Three

Dezrael opened her eyes and looked at the flickering light of the candle in front of her, smiling triumphantly. She was beautiful, like you would expect a movie star to be. She had long blue-black hair that came down to her mid-back with full lips and soft green eyes. In a way, she reminded you of a gypsy, with her olive skin and exotic cheek bones.

She had finally found him; he was in Seward, Alaska, of all places. She sighed audibly. She would have to move, again. The half-breed Seiomaor was no longer a boy and the time was right. She wondered what he might look like and if he resembled his half-breed mother, Karani.

She closed her eyes briefly and thanked her ancestral spirits for taking Karani’s spirit, hopefully to Muspelheim. She also sent up a quick prayer to her mother, asking for guidance in what she had to do next.

Before today she’d been unable to find Kiran Sinclair, due to the cloaking spell Karani had placed around him from the moment of his birth. Dezrael had grown up with the stories of the half witch that had chosen her wolf half over her witch half.

Karani had never belonged to the coven as her father lost the protection of having a coven when he married a wolf, although he remained close friends with members from the coven and he had raised Karani in the ways of witchcraft.

Dezrael was the same age as Kiran Sinclair and had recently taken over the search for him from her mother, Merrian. Their ancestral roots lay in Scandinavia and Dezrael herself had been born in Sweden and raised from birth to hate the Sinclair name.

Her mother had passed on suddenly; practicing magic, especially dark magic, had a price you had to pay. She had used the same blood infused locator spell her mother had used to find Karani. She got up from the table and closed her mother’s Grimoire. She looked around the little cottage that had been her home for the past year and started closing all the books scattered on the table.

She blew out the candle and looked out at the moon through the window. Before the end of the week she would be in Seward. She hated the cold but nothing would stop her from getting to Kiran Sinclair.

Her mother’s untimely death had been brought upon by the death of Karani; that was the price she had paid. She had used a locator spell for Karani and had infused her own blood on the paper to break through Karani’s own spell as eleven other coven members chanted with her.

She had watched Karani through the eyes of birds and she had enchanted the already murderous Ramos McGuire with pure evil and she had watched as he ripped Karani’s throat out.

Her mother had been a much stronger witch than she was; they had stopped practicing real Seidr around two hundred years ago, instead they adopted other types of witchcraft and made it their own, using the gods and goddesses from their ancestral lines to curse and bewitch.

Dezrael opened her laptop and clicked on the link for accommodation in Seward. She found a place quickly on Lowell Point and filled out the online form. She made the payment and booked a flight to Anchorage.

Dezrael smiled as Sean walked into the kitchen and looked at his chocolate brown hair, tousled from sleep. “Hi.” Sean’s voice had a timbre to it that always melted her heart just a little bit. She stood up and kissed him and held onto him for longer than normal.

“How did you sleep?” He looked down at her and she ran her hands up his back.

“Slept like the dead. Did you find him?” Sean had backed out of her hold and was busy making coffee for himself, not looking at her either.

“Yes, he’s in Alaska.” Dezrael walked back to the table where she had been sitting earlier and looked back at him. He was five foot nine, not overly muscular and he was her husband. He didn’t actively practice the art of witchcraft, but he could if he wanted to, he too was born with Seidr blood in his veins.

“I hate this,” he said and she nodded.

“Me too, but you know how this works…” she replied and pulled the empty box closer to her.

Sean leaned against the counter and sipped his coffee as she started packing her books into a box. Sean was a good man, he was good to her. He worked as a paramedic at the fire station in Michigan where they lived and he would patiently wait for her to do what needed to be done and come back home.

Thirty minutes later Sean kissed her goodbye and left for work. She continued gathering her things as if her plan to leave was nothing more than a few hours out of their lives. She knew better though, she’d be gone for three weeks at best.

Two hours later her clothes and herbs were packed. She sighed again as she realized that Sean would have to ship the boxes to her. Her mother’s favourite Grimoire was in her overnight bag. She never went anywhere without it.

At the airport she put her phone on silent after she had inserted the new SIM card into her new phone. This would be her Alaska phone. She stood in line at the boarding gate and got her seat on the plane. She closed her eyes as she waited for the plane to take off and take her to this next part that would be her life in Seward.

Nineteen hours later she stepped out into the cold weather of Anchorage. She rented a car and drove to Seward. She put the heater on maximum and wondered how she would survive this cold. She did an incantation in her head and instantly felt warmer. The GPS took her to a seafront cabin and she parked in front of the small office.

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