


Night has fallen, yet Michael is nowhere to be seen. He promised to meet me at the bar, but I've been sitting here long enough for the stool to practically swallow me whole, and still, there's no sign of him.

"Are you sure you don't want us to wait with you?" Doris asked, dabbing her lips with a tissue.

"No, don't worry about it. You guys look exhausted. You need some rest," I responded, managing a smile.

I idly twirled my finger around the rim of the milk glass in front of me.

"Mike mentioned he booked a boat for some island hopping," I added, causing Doris' eyes to widen as she squealed and tugged on Garry's arm.

"Oh, I can't wait! Garry, you're going to have to give me a back massage tonight so I'm ready for a fantastic day tomorrow," she commanded, and Garry simply nodded in agreement, finishing his pint of beer.

"Or perhaps we could have some fun tonight before another great day tomorrow?" He suggested, waggling his eyebrows at her, causing Doris to giggle like a schoolgi
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