
Chapter 44


Watching more time pass by, I saw that it wasn’t long after that I met Cyran for the first time. He was warm and inviting. After the attack, my former self had been fragile. Every little sound spooked her and Cyran would comfort her as if she had been in real danger.

It was sweet that he had taken her trauma seriously, but I wonder if that might have been the reason, we were so different. I had been attacked the first day I met Cyran in this lifetime and yes, I had a fear of the dark, but not like this. Anymore the dark doesn’t bother me as it once did.

True to Trenton’s words though, I watched as my former self found a dungeon where Trenton and the others had been caged. It looked as if they had been left for dead. I didn’t need Trenton to slow things down, because even without hearing what was being said, I understood what was going on.

Trenton and the others had been afraid at first, but my former self showed the first ounce of bravery that I have seen of her as of yet. She
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