
Chapter 13


"What Sarah, you're what?"

"I don't know, not just feeling it anymore" I replied

"Feeling what Sarah? the dinner or this marriage?

"I don't know, I...I just need time to think I guess"

"What do you want to think about hmm?" He asked harshly

"Everything Dave, it has been a lot going on" I replied with almost the same tone

"You are the one that cheated, you know" he spat at me

"Is that what this is about? me cheating?"

"I'm sorry, I lashed out" he apologized

"No, no you didn't, it's been right there on your mind, it just came out" I said angry

"Come on babe" he begged

"I'm going to bed" I said before turning to leave

"No, wait, wait, Sarah"

He used his arm an scattered the dinner on the table breaking the plates and glasses. That made me turn around in shock.

"What do i have to do?" he asked

"Nothing, you can't do anythng now, am trying, i have a lot on my mind and am trying to get it under control and am sorry i cheated on you, am so sorry, but you behaving this way and calling me out every single time is not going to help out" i stopped took a deep breath before i continued "I'm going to Julian's place tomorrow and i will stay there till i figure things out, i need to clear my head, i just need time Dave, can you do that?" I asked

"So you are really leaving me then" he replied

"Is that what you heard, am saying i need time to think okay?" I said wishing this conversation would end

I went upstairs and laid down.

The next day, i packed up some of my things and drove to Julian's place, i didn't know that Dave was driving behind me. When i got to Julain's place she came out to greet me. We took some of my things from the the car to her doorstairs, then came back to get the rest of my them. Dave came down and approached us

"So this is it? you are just going to leave me?" He asked looking hurt

"Seriously?" i muttered to myself

"Dave we talked about this, what are you even doing here?" I asked him

"I wanted to know if you were serious about this, turns out you really are" he said

"I need time okay, time to think, is that too much to ask for?" I threw at him

"Is our marriage too much to handle now?" he retorted

"I have to go Dave, you should do the same" i finally said before going in with Julian

"You know she cheated on me right?" he shouted at Julian before she closed the door

When we got inside the house, Julian looked at me

"You better start talking girl, what's this about you cheating, with whom and when?" She asked starring at me

"We will talk about this okay, right now just help me get settled in" I said avoiding her gaze

Dave drove away, later on, i told Julain everything that happened.

"Wow" this is all a lot to take in" she replied

"Yeah, i know, i just don't know the way forward, i just want to clear my mind" I said

"Are you okay? have the police found him?"

"No, i didn't report it?"

"What? why?" She asked surprised

"Julian please, i don't want to get into this now" I pleaded

"Sure, okay. I will leave you be for now" she said

"Thank you" i replied relieved that she agreed.

Three days later, i went out to get the groceries, on my way back, i felt someone following me, i turned back and there Alex stood, i was shocked, my heart started to beat faster, i became very scared, i managed to get myself to run, i ran into the house and locked the door behind me, i went over to the window and peeped to see if he was still there but he wasn't, i was breathing heavily, what was he doing here? how does he know am staying here? has he been following me? i didn't know what to think.

When Julian got back, we ate dinner, few minutes after we were done, my phone started to ring, it was an unknown number, my heart skipped, it must be Alex, i thought.

"Are you getting that?" Julian asked

"Emm...i will get it" i responded

I picked the call

"Hello, Sarah" a voice said, it was Dave calling

"Dave?, what the heck, Dave. Why are you calling me with an unknown number" i asked surprised and a bit angry

"You haven't been picking my calls"

"Dave you have to stop, i need time, i need space, stop calling me everyday, that isn't you giving me space"

"Just give me some time"

"Please don't leave me Sarah"

"Like i said i need time Dave, just respect that, would you? please"

"Alright, i will do that, if thats what you want"

"Thank you"

He ended the call.

Back in the office, Dave went to the guy that he tasked to find out about Alex, he gave him what he found out about him and then told him that the boss knows about it.

"He caught me checking him out" the agent explained

"This was supposed to be between us" Dave said not pleased

"I'm sorry sir, he walked in on me, there wasn't much i could have done" he apologised

"It's fine, thanks for this" Dave replied

Dave opened the file and scanned through the details, it turns out tha Alex was one of the guys that he was investigating years back before he and sarah got married, seems he has come back to hunt him.

"Son of a bitch" he cursed

"Oh yes he is and you are going to stay put" said the boss as he walked in


"I know what's going on with you, him and your wife and you are not going to screw up this investigation because of it, so you need to get your head straight, beside there are bigger fishes to catch here" the boss said sternly

"I don't believe you just said that, he took advantage of my wife, he abused her and ...all you say is to stay put?" Dave asked angrily

"Yes dave and am not saying, am giving you an order, we cant' afford to mess this whole investigation up, we will get him, we will get them all, now what i won't have you do, is running around out there like a one man soldier and screw this all up, i won't have that" the boss said meanly

"What if it was your wife, will you still feel the same way? cos right now, mine is planning on leaving me!" Dave responded angrily

"You seem to forget that you did it to him first, when you foolishily fell in love with your informant and slept with her" the boss said to him

"What are you talking about?" Asked Dave

"You remember your informant back in the days, what was her name again em..Mandy, the one you slept with? she is Alex's wife" the boss explained


"Turns out she was playing both sides and i guess he found out, he kept her on you to milk some more information while giving you bits, that's why the case crashed she died on the cross fire involved in that case, so my guess is, he is back for revenge, only that this time, it's personal" the boss further explained

"What? why hasn't anyone told me about this?" Dave asked

"Beacuse It's classifed, and you should be lucky you still have a job after that mess you made. Look Dave, am not here to belittle your pain, am just saying if we are getting them, we have to get them the right way and we have the chance to get them all at once, so don't let your emotions get in the way, focus that anger on this mission instead, now don't go screwing this up, this is your last chance, are we clear?" the boss asked

"Yes sir" Dave replied

"Good" said the boss before he turned and left.

Later that day, Dave went to Alex"s home address, he sat in his car watching the apartment Alex lives in. He did this for days. One day Alex was coming home, Dave ambushed him on a lonely part to his house, Dave started a fight and hit Alex severally yelling at him as he did

"Stay the fuck away from my wife, you asshole!". Alex tried to fight back, but Dave didn't give him any space, Dave continued to beat him up until someone came along and shouted "hey, get off him" he then stopped and walked away. The man walked over to Alex and helped him up.

"What a crazy bastard, you should call the police, he advised".

The next day, i went out to get my nails down, coming back i went to the grocery store to pick up a couple of things. While i was still picking out the things i need, someone walked to me from the behind, held a gun to my back and said "don't scream or i shoot".

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