
Chapter 4

Jake readily complied with Iris' orders. He bundled himself and went with her bodyguards to a top-notch hospital in the city. They did all sorts of tests on him, from cardio to bone health to scans he never knew existed.

"Relax, we will draw a little blood from you," the nurses and doctors deceived him on several counts as they abused him with needles. Why did he lie on a urologist's table for a prostate check? How was that going to benefit the Amery company?

Then there was the fitness test. That, he thought was useful because of the laps he normally took around the office to serve everyone's coffee. Then there were others he wish he could wipe out of memory.

After days of being kneaded and touched and tossed around, Jake was given a day off to rest. That did not cut it, because living with his current roommate was a full-time job. After their last argument, Mitch got a plumber to fix the pipes. A shabby one at that!

Everything was running smoothly till something exploded in the kitchen. Jake dashed to the scene, welcomed by a flooding kitchen and living room. He lost the rest of the night trying to salvage the situation and prevent electrocution from taking place. All thanks to the many wires leading to Mitch's room.

That was the last straw.

Jake sat in his cubicle at work with a set of baggy eyes. Everyone kept shouting for their fix of coffee but the only speed he could conjure was that of a sloth. Any more and he would make bad mistakes.

"You look like shit, are you sick?" Larry was kind enough to grab a doughnut for Jake, seeing that he forgot to step out for lunch.

"You have no idea, man. I could have died last night, thanks to my roommate. The dude is a douchebag. Haa, I have to find a new place by next Monday but I don't know where to start. That apartment is a deathtrap."

"Well...if you're in such a tight spot, how about you crash at my place?"

"Are you serious? I mean, I wouldn't want to inconvenience you in any way."

"No problem at all. I have enough room to spare and it gets boring. You can move a few of your things for a week, see if you like the place, and then later we can discuss the rent."

"Geez, thanks man," Jake jumped out of his seat and hugged Larry. "Hold on... No offence but, you're not a game freak who hoards trash, are you?"

"Pfft! No, I'm not!"

"Oh, thank God. And thank you, Larry, you're a lifesaver," Jake suddenly felt light.

"You're welcome. If you're not doing anything special after work, then we can move right after. I can take you myself."

"Alright," that bit of news was heaven to Jake. He had not seen Larry's apartment but he bet any place would be better than his. Jake was able to lift a smile thanks to that.

After work, Larry waited for him. They walked into the parking lot where the former pressed a small buttoned remote. "You have a car?" Jake gaped at the said automobile. "That's a nice ride," he added as they drew closer.

"This was a gift from my old man, for graduating. Hop in," Larry said.

Together they drove to Jake's studio apartment. Larry waited as the former doubled up to back a few clothes. From there they were on their way to a gated community on the sweet side of town.

Jake kept his mouth shut when they entered a condo. He didn't want to sound like a bum who's never seen a beautiful house. "So, this is my living area, that's the master bedroom. There are two more guest rooms there and that's the kitchen."

"Larry this is... Thanks for the offer but I don't think I can afford the rent."

"Pfft! You haven't even heard about the rent yet. Forget it Jake, feel at home and help yourself to anything you need. Tomorrow we can discuss it, okay man?" Larry tapped Jake on the shoulder as he passed by. Jake spun around in the living room, speechless. One thing is for sure, Miss Iris Amery would not have a problem with this place.


The sun was long gone when Iris came out of her office. She released her secretary three hours earlier, so she had to rely on the guards to carry her baggage.

"Evening Ma'am," George, the chauffeur tipped his hat as he opened the car door. The lady reciprocates with a nod and slides into the vehicle.

Iris kicks back in her seat, swinging her neck to assuage the tension which had built up over the hours. She leaned back and turned to the streets.

One advice her old man often hammered on was to never ignore the streets in any part of this god-forsaken planet. 'That is where wisdom lives,' he said.

But Iris saw no wisdom. Just people going about their daily lives with struggle and ease. She envied those who walked through it with gigantic smiles on their faces. Those who crossed the roads with their heads ticking towards their watch, she often laughed at. They would toil their whole lives, chasing after something they will never be content with.

Then there were the bugs with headphones, their hands plumped in their pockets as they look on both sides of the road like lost puppies. Iris looked harder at those. They were the ones with the ability to dream impossible dreams. The younger ones. She had one waiting at home.

There was a long lineup of servants when the car came to a halt in the driveway. "Welcome Madam Iris," they bowed low. The bodyguards would leave whatever file, bag or accessory in their hands and wait for the boss to dismiss them.

Iris walked into her white castle, sighing to a bore. "Bring me some cookies and a cup of tea in thirty minutes," she said as she climbed the staircase.

As the servants arranged her bag in the closet, she took off her shoes and turned her back to them.

"Unzip me."

"Yes, Ma'am," one of the servants pulled down the zipper while the other brought a bathrobe. The tap was in motion, filling up the tub. Without further delay, Iris went into the bathroom for a warm dip.

Tea was served afterwards. She sat and ate with a tablet on her lap.

"Iris, you're late again!" A young lady peeped through her door without knocking.

"Sorry Abi, there was a lot to do," Iris was more indulged in her tablet than the light snack she opted for.

"What are you doing with that?" The girl dipped her hand in the cookies.

"Just...stuff. How was school?"

"Normal. I got called to the Principal's office again. Ross called, he said you've been ignoring his texts."

"Huh, is that so?" Iris lifted her eyes.

"Pfft! I don't blame you for doing it on purpose. He is overbearing...Oh, I see you re-hired that intern."

"Yes, isn't that what you wanted?" Iris ignored the tablet for once, sharing in her sister's curiosity.

"Yes, thank you so much," Abigail tiptoed over to hug Iris, staining her cheeks with cookie crumbs.

"That's enough Abi, let me finish my work. I'm sure you also have assignments."

"Yeah, see yah!" Abigail snatched the rest of the cookies into the pocket of her hoodie.

"Should I be worried about the Principal?" Iris pitched as the youngest reached the door.

"Naaah, just send Roberto, he'll handle it," Abigail said.

With the door shut, Iris resumed her so-called work. She scratched her chin, going over the data on the screen. "O-negative...cancer free," she mumbled under her breath. The hospital wired her Jake's test results. For one who lacked, Jake was as healthy as a bull. His vitals were good for the job ahead. Now to the next phase: reaching an agreement with the possible donor...

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