
Chapter 3

"This is my room", Kayden pointed at the big doors in the hallway, and this will be your room", he opened the door right next to his.

"Really?" Alora asked sarcastically.

As if she didn't have a hard time walking among all those people watching her strangely, and now this.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I won't do anything you don't want me to", his voice was cold, but his eyes were black, which meant that his wolf was there.

"You bet your ass you won't!" She told him, and his face gained an expression like he almost smiled, but no.

She looked at him strangely.

"Am I funny to you?" She asked, trying to process what she almost saw.

"No", he simply answered.

"Dinner is at seven, be there", he said and left.

The room was awesome, modern, with a king-size bed, in a grey-white color.

Big closet, big bathroom, everything was big almost like one whole floor in her house.

"Screw him", she mumbled and go shower.

"Oh my God, Alora!" She heard a scream when the door opened.

She slept after the shower and forgot about dinner, but Ella didn't.

When she heard that Alora was here and that she would be a new Luna, she was thrilled.

there was a time when they two were inseparable, when Alora still lived here, at the pack, and Ella loved her.

"Damn it Ella, can't you knock?" Alora asked, still sleepy.

"You're late for dinner and Alpha is already pissed, so you better dress up", Ella told her.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm having a feeling that he was born pissed", Alora said, wearing torn jeans and a T-shirt.

Ella giggled, but, something on her face seemed like sadness.

"No, it wasn't always like that, but you couldn't know, you left", Ella said.

"Know what? Alora asked.

"It's not mine to tell, you'll have to ask Alpha about his life", he told her.

"That pillar?" He won't tell me anything, he just gives some stupid orders like he owns me!" Alora said, angry.

"And, how will I know if you won't tell me anything?" She told Ella.

"I can't tell you anything now, because we are late, so move your ass to the kitchen, fast", she said.

Jake and Kayden were already there, waiting for them, while young Omega was serving them dinner.

"Thank you", Alora said, when she sat at the table, smiling a the girl.

The girl just smiled back and left.

"So, you're back with us again?" Jake asked her, smiling.

"Please, don't give me that crap Jake, when you already know everything from your best friend", Alora looked at Kayden, and he just frowned, while Ella smiled.

She loved Alora's honesty.

Jake giggled at her words, knowing her very well, and he thought that Kayden found his match, without realizing that.

"Boy, this will be fun", he mumbled and started to eat.

"You should be careful with your words, most women are", Kayden told her.

"What is wrong with you and women, are you a gay, or something?"Alora asked, and he coughed, while Jake almost choked on his meal, from a muffled laugh.

Ella was stunned.

No one had ever talked with him like that, not even Jake, and he was his best friend.

"Watch your mouth", Kayden raised his voice.

"I'm not gay, I had an awful mate, and I don't need another one to tell me what to do, think, or feel", he hissed at her.

"I don't give a shit about your ex, I'm not her, so don't you dare to compare me with some bitches that fooled you, because I don't care!" She yelled at him.

"You want to see a dungeon again because you will if you continue to speak to me like that", Kayden threatened.

"I suppose you'll take me there this time?"She asked.

Jake coughed, while Ella pinched her under the table, to stop.

Alora just looked at her, warningly.

She didn't like to be threatened, or shushed.

But, they weren't alone and she was aware of that now.

Alora sighed and continued to eat, but the taste wasn't like just a few minutes ago.

She never had a relationship, because she didn't won't to fall in love and suffer because of loss, like it was when she lost her parents but comparing her with some slut was an insult to her, and she couldn't stand it.

Especially because he didn't know anything about her.

But, the thought of cold concrete at the dungeon, gave her chills, so she kept her mouth shut.

That, and the fact that Jack and Ella were there, and as much Kayden was a womanhater, he was their Alpha, so she respected that.

This day was very tense for her and she was trying to stay strong, but the tears were threatening to fall, and she didn't want them to see her cry, him especially, since she wouldn't give him that satisfaction.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have much appetite, excuse me", Alora said, without looking at anyone, because her voice was weak, so she hurried into her room.

Kayden was still upset, it could be seen because he was clenching his jaw.

He also hated that she hadn't finished her dinner, she looked so fragile and small, compared to him, and he felt weird.

"You should feel sorry, you prick!" His wolf Hade said to him.

"Shut up, I'm not in the mood now", Kayden told him.

"We need our mate to be healthy, and strong, she's not like others, you hurt her, and if you do that again, I won't speak to you", Hade said.

"Shit!" Kayden hissed.

"Ella, go and get her something to eat, please", he said, without looking at her.

"You went a bit too far his time, man", Jake told him, seriously, and Kayden just looked sharply at him.

He tossed his plate into the sink and got out, slamming the door.

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