

Humeyra's P.o.v

I miss Hamdan so much. I miss his cute blush which appeared whenever I get the courage to tease. I miss his sweet voice, reciting my favorite verses from the holy Quran. I miss his beautiful smile that sparked like the stars. I miss his embrace.uuuggh. I miss him so much? Is he already married? Does he think about me? Does he even remember me? Here I am, the wealthiest person in the whole country yet I accepted the proposal of a man who I had no ounce of intimate feelings for. Wahid.

The only person who knows about my wealth and my Abu. The guy who has been my best friend for almost eight years now. He has been with me through the rough journey of rain and sun. Heat and cold. He was there to sooth my pain when I was pricked by thorns. Though he didn't take away the physical injury, he took away the pain. He was the adopted son of ustadh Dhul Qarnain hence we grew up together. He was one of my managers in the companies that I own.

Today was supposed to be my engagement day with him but I found out that Wahid has been secretly stealing from me. I seriously don't mind it but he broke the trust I had in him. He claimed to love me but I am beginning to doubt his love. Logically, astaghfirullah but I think all he wants is to have a claim to the wealth that I possess.

Being as it is, you can marry a lady for her wealth, it was understandable but his was borderline theft and greed under my nose even before marriage. Huh.I was torn. I knew that Abu Dhul Qarnain was not in favor of our marriage and my heart was breaking as well thinking of spending the rest of my life with someone who loves my wealth more than he loves me. 

The truth was, all the wealth I had, I got in halal ways. Started from scratch by doing all sort of odd jobs from washing people's clothes to cooking and selling food .Currently being the wealthiest person in the country, I own shares in almost all the companies in and out of the country that matters.

Though a professional architect, I own all the Bram and co. Brands of companies. Ironically, no one knows about my existence as the owner of all the wealth for I do everything behind the scene living Wahid and Abu Dhul Qarnain in the lime light. This doesn't mean that I didn’t work, because I worked more than them all for all the documents that needed approval I had to go through and approve.

I made all the primary decisions and ensured that all the workers are treated with respect and care since they were my family. None of my workers know how I actually look since I attend all the meetings and conferences as either their fellow worker or listen to them behind the curtains. Anyway, I don't know why am thinking of that when today was supposed to be a day to celebrate for me.

As I look in the mirror, I see an image of the most beautiful woman in the world.Dont get me wrong, am not boasting but am very confident in my looks Alhamdulillah. With my Niqab in place, my onyx eyes sparked and looked livelier than ever from the outside. If I am allowed to praise my eyes, I would say...Ayouni ghazal (the gazelle’s eyes). Tihihi.But my eyes are hollow and my heart was bleeding.

I don't know what possessed me to agree but right now ,I wish someone would whisk me away and take me away before I make a mistake that I would regret for the rest of my life. Hamdan, how I wish you would give me a reason to say no. Ya Allah, I miss him so much.

"Ya Dan, I love you but you don't love me. I miss you but you must have forgot about me.Ya Allah, send me an angel to get me out of here. Hamdan. I miss you. Why can't I forget about you?" I asked out loud. The frustration and anger made me hit the table and break the glass.uuugggh.

 The broken pieces of the mirror cut my palm. I lost focus of my surroundings for a few minutes as all my attention went to my bleeding palm but that was a mistake on my part or rather a blessing in disguise. As soon as I lowered my eyes, I smelt some weird fragrance in the room. Before I knew it, I felt drowsy and passed out from suffocation.

Humeyra woke up with a sharp pain in her head and an even more painful feeling in her kidney. She thought she was used to her kidney ache but couldn't stop the tear that escaped her eyes. The pain was so unbearable that a whimper escaped her lips. She couldn’t take it anymore hence let out a bone chilling scream. She lost consciousness soon after due to the intensity of the pain in her kidney.


She looked more beautiful than a fallen angel. Her beautiful eyes. I saw her angelic face before she put her Niqab on .she had her eyes closed until after she put her Niqab in place. With the Niqab, Wallahi I thought I was looking at Sidra. Her words always scarred my heart. Her passion filled confession about her love for me brought tears to my eyes.Alhamdulillah!she still loves me.

My tears were now falling freely listening to her pray for a miracle to get her out of there. I felt her pain and the intensity of the word since am the cause of her suffering. I was afraid if she saw me, she might change her mind .Hence I sent my men to induce her to sleep before I get her into the waiting jet.

I didn't know what they used but she was soon unconscious. As I carried her away from her room to the awaiting vehicles, I felt relieved and tortured at the same time. I didn't know how to approach her once she woke up. As I laid her on my bed in the jet, I felt the rhyme of my heart change from fast to very fast as her addictive scent wafted near my nose.

I felt so tempted to hold her and lose myself in her arms but she was not conscious and I didn’t want to disrespect her privacy. I left her alone to rest as I went to the room next door to calm my heart and think of the best way to approach Humii later. I was afraid to face her because of the pain I caused her. Ya Allah, help me through this tough times. 

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