
Chapter 39; The deal is off

Coraline's POV

Jeremy raised his hands in a ' calm down ' position, I let my hands fall and loosened my defensive stance. I was still wary of him but I tried hard not to show it.

"So, why are you here?" I asked, kicking the air with the tip of my Converse.

"I just wanted to clear the air between us." He smiled, his blue eyes glittered like sapphires.

"I don't want you to think that I'm still hurt from our breakup, I'm happy for you and Elijah so I don't want you to act uncomfortable around me."

I eyed him skeptically but found nothing but sincerity in his eyes, wow, it must have taken him a lot to say this to me, he must have thought about it for a while.

I fiddled with a strand of my hair, suddenly feeling a bit ashamed, here I was thinking he was going to be a problem but he was genuinely a nice guy.

"Okay." I replied, ” I also want us to get along freely without our past being a stumbling block. We work together, I'm going to see your face, 5 days a week so it is right that we are
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