
chapter 48

Ace and Mike got out of the car and Ace stared at the numbers of cars inside the parking lot and smirked.

The students sure we're trying to show off and compete with each other.

He shook his head and started walking out of the parking lot with Mike trailing closely behind him.

The auditorium was filled to the brim both by the students and their guardians. Ace scanned the place with his eyes, searching for a certain golden hair girl.

Immediately he saw her talking and laughing with Anitra Steele and Talia. His jaw clenched and he balled his hand into a fist.

He doesn't want Anitra near her.

"Hey mate." Liam said, coming out of nowhere. Ace stopped looking at Catherine and glanced at Liam.

"What made you come late?" He questioned and Liam chuckled.

" My fairy godmother doesn't want me to leave the house, '" Liam responded with a cheerful smile on his face.

Ace turned back his attention to Catherine, his eyes staring at her thoroughly. Her golden hair cascading freely down her back. She
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