

The sunlight hit into the glass window and reflected on her face waking her up from her dead state. Vivian crawled on her stomach to get near the medicine cabinet, her whole body in pain; she used all her will power to summon strength into her legs and reached for the aspirin bottle. Taking some she relaxed herself on the floor and slept.

Ray entered the apartment after his blissful adventure with Poppy and found Vivian on the floor with drugs around her. Thinking that she wants to kill herself, he called his personal doctor to come and check up on her. Even though she was proving stubborn yesterday and hurt his pride, he has spent a lot of money and resources on her to waste it like that. He has to make some profit from it and also he loves her still but who is checking him. He has found someone who will worship his ego and that was all his mind could think about. His heart will slowly understand.

The line beep twice and the other side picked the call

" It early"

" I need you"

" What

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