
45. Emiliana

Five days. He's been gone for five fucking days. He won't answer my calls or messages. I've gone to The Cloud twice but I was told he wasn't there. Rico told me not to waste my time looking for him. If he wanted to come home or talk to me, he would have done it. Not that I asked for his opinion, mind you. He was just being a nosy bastard. The worst part is I don't know if he found himself another woman. Is Dante capable of having a mistress? Yes. Everyone in the mafioso, man or woman, is capable of finding themselves a side piece. It doesn't matter if their spouses approve of it or not. The worst part is there's nothing I can do if Dante decides to keep a mistress. He could have his men kill whoever I'm dating but I can't stop him from sticking his dick in someone else's hole.

"Someone's in a mood," Constanza says holding the punching bag while I rain kicks and punches on it. I'm tired of worrying about everything. All week I've done nothing but wait for him to come back so I could e
Siobhan JK

Yes. This is the same Cecilio Dante and Sal have been looking for. Care to guess why they're after him?

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