


“…looking forward to work in a new environment and build new relations.” He said the last statement looking directly at me in the eye as there was something that always irked my nerves about Ahmad Hashmi but I wasn’t scared of him. I was prepared for everything that was coming towards me. AT least I hoped that.

Zaroon and Muzamil were a little comfortable at first on letting Ahmad joining our business but I hadn’t given him much share in my company so that showed even if he would do anything absurd that would enrage me, I could simply made him reach his end and the company wouldn’t be in much of a crisis as IT was indeed a big department of our company as it was related to the security of our company but still it could be replaceable without any major loss. Also I did all of this because I wanted to keep my enemies close to me so that I could know their each and every step.

For the very first time I didn’t know who was the enemy this time and for that I had to take many
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Comments (5)
goodnovel comment avatar
damn his cheesey last line...️...
goodnovel comment avatar
it's awesome
goodnovel comment avatar
I just love it

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