

When we entered Into the closet,I opened my mouth and couldn't shut It because the closet was full of clothes , bags, shoes and

Ties, jewelries and the room is so big.

I stare because I didn't know when I said "wow".

All the clothes there are limited wear,

The costumier began to bring out the clothes, they were in a carton, she brings them out and I could see the fabric are of those limited fabrics. The styles were beautiful are of those high class women and she gave the dresses to me wear, whenever I try the dresses on, the costumier helpe me make

the dresses look properly on me, I walk to

the miror whenever change into a particular dress I will go to mirror and I will look at myself in the clothes, how beautiful and sexy look in the clothes

I began to magine how she knew what my

Sizes or did Kunle know my sizes and tell her ? the dresses were so perfect and fitted that I imagined how she was able to know that the colors will look beautiful on me.

I stare at myself in front of the Mir
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