

Iris POV:

As the clock struck 7 in the evening, I found myself trapped on a bus with Caleb, feeling utterly exasperated.

I had a minor fever, nothing serious, yet Caleb insisted on dragging me onto this bus instead of letting me walk to my apartment.

Last night's events seemed like a distant blur, a disturbing memory I was determined to push aside.

Someone had aggressively forced me into a game I had no desire to play, and I was relieved it was over.

That was weird.

Yet, despite my resolve to forget, thoughts of Ace lingered in my mind.

Despite telling him to stay away, I couldn't deny the pull he had on me.

I-I am confused.

"Iris," Caleb's voice interrupted my thoughts, jolting me back to the present as we disembarked the bus and headed towards our rooms.

I hurriedly retreated to my own space, eager to escape Caleb's company.

Opening the door, I found Quinn sprawled out on the couch, engrossed in her work.

She didn't ask me about last night, which was a relief.

Perhaps she hadn'
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