
A New Beginning

His mesmerizing green eyes were centered on her. Serena gulped. Her heart was running miles per second, close to ripping out of her chest any second. His undivided attention felt too heavy to bear right now. She would have stood up if not for her wobbling legs. Shanice and others were eyeing him, intrigued. It would be a real shame if he rejected her in front of so many people. Serena wouldn't have a face left to show then.

"Asher," Serena breathed through the knot in her throat. Her eyes were wide in surprise, her lips slightly parted, and her brows slightly up. She was afraid of being rejected in front of everyone. He wouldn't do that, would he? Her last BF had slapped her in the face and called her a worthless whore in front of several students as revenge after she broke up with him. Years had passed but the things he had told her were still embedded into her brain. He said she should be happy that he was dating her for she was too ugly to attract attention from boys. That no one

Who is feeling bad for Serena? I most certainly do. She thinks God has finally blessed her, oblivious that this blessing is actually an impending heartbreak in disguise. Hope you enjoying it. I am trying my best to make it an emotional roller-coaster for you. There are more lows and highs to come. If you are enjoying the book then please reward it and share it among your reader friends. I would really appreciate it.

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Comments (21)
goodnovel comment avatar
Shanice definitely believe what Asher did was just to get back at her for what she did .. and I am afraid she wasn’t too wrong. He did it to show her he could move on without her .. at the expense of Serena. I still think it was a bad timing for Serena’s confession
goodnovel comment avatar
Alicia M. U. Ross
Serena has such a beautiful heart and soul. Shanice deserves whatever is coming to her. I am not going to say anything about Asher at this point.
goodnovel comment avatar
please give us update

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