

Serena waited but Asher didn't come to the class today as well. She scowled internally thinking back to yesterday when he made her study continuously for three hours. Now he was skipping classes without a care. He doesn't seem serious for someone who keeps telling her to study as exams are approaching.

As she was headed towards her next class, someone gripped her wrist and pulled her inside the room. Her back hit a hard surface. Before she could scream, a hand clamped down on her mouth. She bit down hard into the palm.

"Ouch," Asher hissed, immediately removing his hand from her mouth. Serena recognized his voice and swiftly turned to see his face screwed in pain.

"Asher? Why did you do that?" she scolded him. She clutched her chest, beneath which her heart was racing miles per second.

"And where were you? You didn't even attend the class?" she demanded, sounding annoyed.

"I went somewhere," he offered a vague reply. She furrowed her brows at him.

"Where?" she asked. Asher frow
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Comments (31)
goodnovel comment avatar
Bro digging his own grave , i just want serena to know these all bullshit, if not lover you should have respected her as a friend but you ,
goodnovel comment avatar
sarah 🦋
when i think he could not disappoint me more
goodnovel comment avatar
amrin ansari

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