

"BRING your closest friend or it could be your boyfriend for tomorrow, we'll be celebrating Xavy's 4th birthday tomorrow. The venue is in our mansion."Xyneth said while looking at Yves' mouthing something to him.

She mouted at him, "Is it okay to invite him for tomorrow Xavy's 4th birthday? and is it also okay to let him know about our address and let him invited one of his trusted friends?"

Yves smiled at her then he nod, "Yes if that's what you wanted."

"Okay, I'll bring my boyfriend tomorrow. By the way, I haven't asked your address, care to tell me where?"He asked on the other line.

"Oh, it's in Emperial' house—I mean mansion located in MoneyisEverything Street."Xyneth said.

"EMPERIAL'S HOUSE?! DAMN! he's a billionare man who own his own street and his own mansion, he has also a lot of companies which was placed in every country."He said loudly enough for Yves to hear it.

Xyneth laughed at what he said, "I know, he even hired me for being his

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