

She hadn't prepared anyone that she was bringing this guy who'd just consumed the past few weeks of her life. Chandler took the exit for her apartment as she tried—really, really hard—not to let her brain freak out over the fact that she felt this way about him so fast. Her heart thought it was freaking romantic. Her gut was all arrows, pointing straight at Chandler. Her fingers tightened around his hand before she realized what she was doing.

"You okay?"

Elena nodded furiously. "Fine. Just ... still trying to mentally prepare to be back."

"I miss that cabin too, baby."

Smiling, she thought about something he'd said right before they left. "You gonna warn Paul that you're shipping him a new mattress?"

"I better." He grimaced. "If I were him, I'd want to sleep on the couch until something shows up that wasn't defiled the way we defiled that mattress."

She was still laughing when they pulled up in front of her apartment building,and Chandler whistled as he pulled the car into a parking
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