

{ Oryn }

“Do you know what Gabryl’s job is?”

I turn my head to watch my beautiful mate. I can’t help the look of slight shock that plasters my face as I wonder why this was the first question she chose to ask.

Johnathyn’s eyes narrowed at her, but not in a rude way. He was gauging her question and her.

“I do,” He answered finally. “Our parents told me when he came of age and became the Guardian.”

“So you are aware of who he guards then?” She continued.

His head tilted slightly and I think he might be understanding where she is going with this.

“He guards supernatural bloodline descendants.” He says slowly.

I watched as my mate, diplomatic as always, sat calmly with her gorgeous legs crossed and her hands wrapped around her knees. She was casually leaning back in her chair and I was lost in the sight of

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