
Chapter 43: Epilogue

Alexa’s POV:

It’s been two months and I’m still grieving for my love I’ve been doing good at therapy went from a wheelchair to a walker in just two short months I am going to keep getting stronger and stronger soon I will be walking around like normal. My son Jace graduated early and started taking over Smith Int. While Conner is getting his law degree. I’ve been consulting at the firm until he takes over. And Jacey wants to do all design for future family construction so she’s determined to finish now more than ever and my baby Audrey is taking this the hardest out of them all she remained a daddy’s girl to the day he died so she’s taking it super hard and I wish I could be the one to help her through, but I can’t so I put her in therapy and she loves going it’s helping her some so far hopefully as time goes by she’ll be able to heal and live life again Colton would want that for her. One day Audrey is gonna change the world just watch and see!

THE END!!!!!

Side note: Alexa lived to be 97 and got to see her grand children and even a couple of great grandchildren she was able to walk again about a year after with the help of a cane and she never found love again but she loved her life until she went to sleep one night and her husband said it’s time to meet again. Jace’s story coming soon be on the lookout it’s called the cold hearted billionaire 😍😘

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