
Chapter 94: Other People's Problems

Mom actually gasped and spun around when I walked in the kitchen, staring at me with her huge blue eyes like I'd attacked her or something. Craptastic. I realized I had to be broadcasting again. Roping in my magic was still hard.

"Syd," she said. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I grumped. "Sorry."

She stepped forward, tried to hug me, but I wasn't in the mood to be comforted.

I escaped her and ran up to my room, spending the next several hours trying to focus on my homework while avoiding my mother's mental questions about how I was and why I radiated so much anger. I finally managed to put a cap on it when Sassy marched into my room, fur standing on end.

"Sydlynn," he snapped, amber eyes glowing amber with demon fire, "pull yourself under control before I do it for you. You're disrupting the entire household."

Fine. I slapped up some shields, used my magic to shove him out my door and slammed it behind him.

It wasn't fair! Because it wasn't my fault. I collapsed on my bed, feeling
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