

“HOW long are we going to be here, you said you need information and then we’d be out…”. Iva had heard that the main boss of this building had Intel on a lot, it was his natural born talent, his ability. She was curious to see it in action but the waiting was killing her plus they were trapped in a cell. “We are getting transferred” Draco responded and she looked to him. “What?” she questioned, He sat cross legged at the farthest end of the cell opposite the little quilt. He was staring at it while his hair twitched. Iva squinted curiously, she wondered what made his hair move so inhumanely. “Draco-Samson” she started eyes fixed on his snow white hair. His eyes darted to her and she was in a crouch as she slowly came towards him “what are you doing” something white but distinctive poked out his head so she was certain. “How can you not notice” she whispered and slammed her fist to the right side of his skull causing him to yelp in pain. “what the hell did you do you baboon!” his pitch
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