
Chapter 17:Flowers

Paula POV

"Are you alright Paula? You seem totally absent" Anna asked as we made way into my apartment.

"Of course I'm fine, I'm doing okay, why did you ask?" Of course I would play dumb. I've been silent all through the drive home.

Ethan and Regina left in his car all lovey Dovey, it hurts so much. So very much. I almost cried and I'm sure I'll cry all through the night.

How did he change over night? Just how?

Was he lying to me about his feelings?

I could feel my head spin.

I opened the door leading the smiling Anna In the house, I don’t think she has had many sleepovers.

She’s so happy.

" they are here!" Olivia screamed as soon as we arrived in the kitchen.

Clara side hugged me.

The smell of hot sauce hit my nose. "Uhhm, yummy what are you guys making" my tummy grumbled and my eyes fucked the meal in front of me.

"You girls really killed it huh" the whole counter was filled with cheese , spaghetti sauce , roasted chicken , salad , beef stew and of course chips. Oh beer to
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