
Chapter 26:Betting Gone Bad

Paula POV

Ethan and Damien where staring at me intensely with flowers in their hands. Damien gave me his warm smile. While Ethan just glared at him with fire boring holes through Damien.

I was so stunned, I didn't know what to do. I turned to Clara and Olivia and I smiled. I had my girls with me why worry? We will just walk hand in hand into the apartment leaving the dudes stranded. I smiled to myself. I was prepared to walk past them but then Olivia dropped my left arm and went straight into the apartment leaving the door open with Clara behind her. Clara shut the door, making me jump. I glared at the door. I can't believe this. Traitors!!!!!!!

Why would they leave me.

I took a deep breathe. I didn't realize the deep staring contest both men where having.

"What are you both doing here?" I said breaking the contest. I had my hands on my hip.

"The question is, what is he doing here" Ethan spat venomously at Damien. A wicked chuckle was heard from Damien. "You shouldn't be here aft
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