
Chapter 75: Dark Arts

“Woah! This is amazing!” Seph, Zedrick, Luoie, and Raima exclaimed as they watched Yris and Lovis fight.

“This is better than the fight scenes that can be seen in the movies!” Raima said. His eyes are shining in excitement.

They nodded in agreement as they watched various kinds of lights flashed as Yris and Lovis threw their attacks to each other. They can even see Yris’s fairy form that came out as Yris fights against Lovis with his full power, as Raeyan suggested. This is to show that both Yris and Lovis are serious when fighting, to which they should follow, too.

After all, their lives are at stake, as well as the lives of other people.

“D*mn… these visual effects!” Seph exclaimed, then shook his head. “No… these aren’t even effects, as these all are natural!” he said.

The others nodded in agreement as they resumed watching Yris and Lovis skillfully and accurately threw another set of attacks to each other. Yris blocked Lovis’s attack as Lovis rushed towards him. Yris’s transparent
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