

The loud knocking sound echoed into Liam's ears, forcing him to open his eyes. Then he sat up, glanced at the empty wine bottle, and stood from the couch.

“What is it?” Liam mumbled the moment he opened the door.

“What happened between Carmen and you?!” Max asked with worry in his eyes.

“What are you talking about?”

“Dax and Carmen are getting married a day from now. It's everywhere on the news. I th…” 

Before Max could end his statement, Liam slammed the door in his face. Then a few seconds later, he came out with his car key.

“Where are you going! At least, let me drop you. Those dark circles around your eyes tell me you didn't sleep well.” Max screamed, watching Liam head towards his car.

The sound of the vehicle engine was the only response Max got as Liam drove out of the yard.

“He's stubborn as a mute. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid.&rdquo

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