
A bet

Giselle inhaled deeply standing in the middle of the forest. The air was clean and fresh and the atmosphere was calm. She could hear birds chirping from time to time but nothing felt bad.

The lake was even more beautiful than she imagined. The water was so clear that she could see the bottom. There was no mud around it but lush green grass with various flowers.

There was a wide field full of green grass which Jung had told her about and this was the reason she was here.

"You can shift here." She told the wolf soul who did not speak anything.

"What do you say?"

"I can't..." He whispered in her mind.

"Why not? The place is beautiful and there is no way he can comes here. Moreover, I will save you. Trust me."

She ensured the alpha who could feel something wrong with the place.

Giselle turned towards Veer whow as playing with his fingers nervously.

"Thank you so much for bringing us here. I am sure you did not let him know that we are visiting here."

"A b o u t... t h a t...?" Veer looked
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