
Chapter 12: Meeting Up

As I walked to my workplace, I contemplated about what happened on Saturday night and about meeting with Adam today. My mind raced at the thought of meeting him. I dressed in a velvet red miniskirt, jacket, and a black snakeskin, matching heels, and handbag. It fitted the nude makeup on me more with the deep velvet red lipstick on my rosy lips. We had only met once. Why do I feel this way? I had a weird fascination for Adam, as my thoughts, since Saturday night were all about him. I just have to tell him to forget about me. It’s awkward dating a guy young enough to date my daughter. 

Stepping into the company, I met Oaklyn and others at the reception. 

“Good morning,” I greeted. 

“Good morning, ma.” They replied while standing up with a bow. “Welcome ma.” 

“Thank you. You guys are looking good.” They gazed back, then at each other, without replying. 

“Didn’t you hear what I just said? I said you’re looking really nice.” I repeated, focusing on my phone. He just sent me a message that he’s on his way and I smiled. 

“Thank you, ma.” They chorused, almost walking away. I stopped. “You, meet me in my office when you’re through with them.” I instructed Oaklyn. 

“Okay ma.” she replied vividly, staring at the tiled floor. 

I find it awkward that my employees still aren’t free around me. 

They watched me walk into the elevator going to the first floor. 

“Don’t be excited yet. Let me check on her so we know it’s not her clone we’re dealing with.” Oaklyn whispered at others as she hurried after me. 

“Today’s going to be a good day.”


“Hey, I would win, so don’t bother trying.” A faint, cynical smirk curved his lips. 

Playing football on the computer, Felix and Noah paid attention, concentrating on it. 

“I’m still going to try even though you’re better than me in this game.” Noah replied vividly. Not the need to win, but the urge to play the game welled within him. 

“Welcome then. I’ll gladly kill you. You have only three lives to win this level. You will be promoted or demoted.” Felix reminded Noah and he replied with a shrug. 

“Whatever, I’m ready.” 

“Adam, are you seeing your guy?” Felix asked, chuckling at how he wins Noah but he was the only one, laughing. 

“Ad’s mind isn’t here. He’s been on the phone since morning.” Noah replied, flinching the game pad over in excitement. 

“Adam!” Felix called. 

“Adam!!” they chorused at once and he stormed a what at them. 

“What’s getting you so occupied with your phone? What’s that interesting to do on your phone? Tell me. What’s happening?” Felix queried, leaving the game spot to meet him. 

Adam wiped a hand over his head, looking up at nothing. He exhaled. Fondling and picking on his clean shaved beard that struck out a bit. 

Noah dropped the wireless game control to join them, interested in the talk. 

“Are you into scam now? Cyber crime?” 

“No, I’m not!” He replied sharply. Felix tried to snatch his phone from him but Adam insisted, pulling back. 

“Both of you should stop. I don’t like this!”

“We are friends, are you really going to keep this away from us?” Noah raised, a little hurt. 

“Relax, I’ll tell you. I’ll show you.” Ad swiped a hand over his face, holding his angular jaw while the thought of Saturday night played in. 

“See how his eyes are glittering...what’s it exactly?” Felix pushed impatiently. 

“Come on, calm down!” Adam stormed. “How am I going to understand when you’re both talking at the same time?”

“We’re sorry.” They apologized vividly. 

“If you want to get the gist, you’ve got to calm down.” He pressed, and they paid listening ears. 

Felix placed an arm around Adam’s shoulder. “Okay, now we’re calm.”

Adam held back his own smiles with a charming grin. 

“I think I’m in love.”

“Wow! That’s outstanding!” They cheered, congratulating him. 

“That’s crazy man.” Felix pat him at the back. 

“That girl should be a lot prettier than Alice.” Noah pointed out. 

Adam hissed, rolling his eyes at the ceiling. 

“Alice is beautiful, please. It’s just that she’s having anger issues.” Felix clarified. 

“So... Who’s the new girl?”

Adam cleared his throat, placing a finger on his phone’s screen to see if another message has come in. He pressed to off button swiftly. “Umm... “ 

“Don’t she have a name?” 

“Come on, wait! How am I supposed to hear when both of you are speaking at the same time?”

“Adam, who are you into?” 

“It’s Hazel’s mum.”

“What?” Felix and Noah went frozen as their Jaws dropped, hanging. “You said?” 

“Yes, I am in love with Mrs. Evelyn Beckett, Hazel’s mum. You heard me right,” The elated look in his eyes chilled them to the bones. 

“Which, Hazel?” Noah asked, amazed. 

“Your Hazel, of course.”

“I... I don’t understand.” Noah stuttered. “How did it happen?” 

“How did you do it?” Felix added. “Where did you meet?” 

“I met her the day before yesterday at Hazel’s birthday party. It was my first time of going there to meeting with her, of course. But since that night, I can’t take her off my mind. I’m crazy in love with that woman!”

Felix giggled, trying to connect the dots. Of course, they’d noticed. He couldn’t take this eyes off her throughout the part till she left. But they never knew he’d made advances. Noah had mixed feelings about Adam’s words. He wasn’t so delighted. 

“Do you know what’s likely to piss me off about this?” Noah interrupted. 

“What?” they turned to him. 

“That’s if you do something silly that will affect my relationship with Hazel. If you do anything stupid, I might kill you. You know how much I love Hazel.” Noah warned with seriousness in his eyes. 

“Are you threatening your father-in-law?” Felix asked, and they busted into laughter. 

“Who is my father-in-law?” Noah hissed, and Adam continued to talk about meeting her. 

Meanwhile, Roman was leaning behind the wall. Listening to their conversation. The glare in his eyes was dark and the Leer on his lips was as if a predator was waiting, its prey falling into his own trap. With an assuring evil smirk, Roman knew he would expose them soon. 

“Things are getting interesting out here. I’m having an old friend for dinner.” He said to himself with an evil smile that betray all innocence, walking away with silent steps like a tidal volume of air. 

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