
Chapter 108

"Where have you been these past few weeks? Considering how good you look, it's obvious you weren't suffering. Couldn't you have at least contacted me? Do you have any idea how worried I was?" Ryan yelled at Juliette angrily.

"Don't shout at me! Can't you see that I'm pregnant?" Juliette snapped back.

"Who the hell cares? I asked why you didn't reach out to me. I've been hassling my dad nonstop because of you. I couldn't find you at the hospital or at your house. I even thought you had left the country," Ryan said frustratedly.

Juliette remained silent.

"Answer me!" He demanded, growing impatient.

"Your dad caused the accident! He had his men stage the collision and instead of taking me to the hospital, they kidnapped me. And your despicable father, Michael, raped me. Yes! I was raped by him," Juliette yelled.

"Lower your voice! Why would my dad rape you? All he wanted was his money you stole, right? What would he possibly gain from raping you?" Ryan defended his dad.

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