
The End Of Finn And Rita

Rita’s POV

After the short break, there wasn’t really anything serious to attend to, Evelyn has stolen the opportunity to stay with her boyfriend, leaving me all alone.

I rested my head on the desk and a soft exhale escaped my nostrils.

My shoulders mellowed down when I raised my head up and fixed my eyes into the space. I wasn’t staring at anything in particular but different thoughts ran through my mind and I felt a deep ache in my left chest region (Heart)

I released another sigh once I concluded to ask Finn what went wrong instead of listening to the crazy assumptions in my head.

I dashed out of my office into Finn office without knocking, I met him alone busy with the computer. Non challant Charles was absent, he must have left early like he used to.

“Finn, are you okay?” I moved closer towards him but didn’t take a seat.

He raised his head up, surprised to see me.

“I am fine” He replied plainly.

“Are you mad at me or something, did I do anything wrong?” I asked him straight away
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