
35. Hannah's Full Name

Anna was sitting on the back porch with Mrs. Wijaya while preparing all kinds of spices to be cooked at the wedding reception of one of Mrs. Wijaya's clients. A week ago, Mrs. Wijaya agreed to a friend's request that asked her to cook the food that would be served at the party.

At first, Harry forbade his mother to start a business that had been abandoned for several months, but with the persuasion of his wife, Harry was forced to agree.

Today Rina, Nunung, Resti, and several male employees who always help Mrs. Wijaya run the catering business, are no less busy. Some prepare serving plates and cutlery in the storage warehouse. Wash it and dry it.

"You rest, honey. Don't be too tired to participate in Mama's work, take good care of your womb so that Mama's grandchild will be healthy." Anna smiled. She hugged her mother-in-law's body and swayed spoiled.

"Mom, Anna is not tired. Anna is just sitting here. Later when I was tired, I would enter the room. Let me be her
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