
63. Mommy, Where's Daddy?

"Sorry Ma, it would be better if we invite Mr. Adrianto to eat together."

"Yes, that's right, Let's come in Mr. Adrianto, we will be very happy if you want to accompany us to enjoy the lunch."

"Wow, I'm even more troublesome, madam. Thank you very much. I still have a lot of work to do.”

"Come on, don't refuse. This is your sustenance through our hands. "

Adrianto followed Wildan into the dining room. Resti prepares chairs for Mr. Adrianto and Wildan's family lawyers. Nunung prepared Mrs. Wijaya's and Murni's chair, while Saskia and Anna immediately took their respective positions.


The day went by so fast. It didn't feel like Harry had been gone for forty days. Anna felt her chest tighten slightly, harboring longing for her husband. This was the first time she would visit Harry at the family funeral area because for forty days, she had no interaction with the outside world. Seeing Anna's condition, Mita, Anna's assistant at Lestari Muda Resto
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