
A coward

I turned to Aaron and Smokey. "Aaron, go around back and check out the old chute and see how easy it is to climb. Smokey, go with him and check out the other side of the building while I stay here and keep this side secure." They nodded at me before they turned and ran off.

Turning around to scan along the building, I was met with a man standing in the shadows. I pulled my gun up to shoot, but it was too late when the handle of his met my face with a crack. A sharp pain seared through my nose as I fell to the ground on my knees. The guy hit me once more as the rings of darkness closed in on my vision.


"Why the fuck aren't they shooting yet?" I hissed over my shoulder to my men. "Something isn't right."

"You're right."

We jumped at the unfamiliar voice behind us as they raised their guns. Bright lights started clicking on one by one until the whole front of the building had turned to daylight.

We stood there with our guns in the air, only to find ourselves completely surrounde
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