
Want him badly

"Did you do anything useful for your family?" he ridiculed all while keeping his eyes on the fire. I glared at his back hoping he could feel the daggers I was sending his way and I suddenly began to feel very warm.

"Besides spread my legs and make flower crowns, right?" I sassed back. "Oh, sorry that you captured a useless princess, your majesty." Ilaced my voice which as much venom as I could as I sneered out his title.

"Indeed," he grunted.

Red swarmed in my eyes and without a second to question my actions I flung my empty tea glass at the back of Caliban's head. It shattered and he whirled around with a curse. His eyes were glowing gold as he glared at me.

I held my position on the edge of the bed ready to throw the next thing within reach and he sat lurched in his chair ready to fight back.

The air was crackling with the sound of the roaring fire and the afternoon light was fading as the sun disappeared early due to the storm outside.

Images of the night in the cave flashed behind
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