
Penny Surprises Alex

I get to my dorm after a thirty minutes walk. I walked instead of taking the bus because I thought it would be good for me to think things through. But it didn't do anything. I just walked the distance in a sort of exhausted rage induced trance.

I am worried about Claire. I have never seen anything like that performance she put up with me. It is such a scary thing to think about the repercussions if she spread whatever she saw to the class. I have never dealt with a situation like this before, I am so lost.

"Oh! Hi." I say to Penny as I enter the room after a tiring walk up the stairs to our room. I was looking forward to a few quiet hours of napping before she came in. It is so surprising to see her in the room after classes.

She usually hangs out around the college or even outside around the city with her gang. But here she is, laying on her bed, popcorn in front of her, her laptop playing a film loudly.

She doesn't reply. I don't know if she didn't hear me or just doesn't want to
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