
Surprise Visit

"Alex," Maggie moves fast ahead so she is facing me, and she walks backward, "Give me the full story. I literally just saved your life, Claire would have torn into you, both figuratively and literally, that bitch is crazy. I think I deserve as much." She says, her eyes narrowed comically at me.

"What full story?" I say, doing the worst deflection I could manage. I yawn, Maggie frowns at me.

"Don't you dare give me that." Maggie says, she grabs me by the shoulders and shake. I just laugh. I am deliriously tired that my dread at the possibility of Claire seeing us kiss, or how dangerous my recklessness was, diminishes.

I will freak out about this later. I just need to lay down now. My body is still reliving my explosive orgasm.

"Okay. I will tell you, though I have to warn you, there isn't much to it anyway." I say as we walk around the bend that brings my hall of residence to view. Maggie's dorm is down the road. A few blocks after mine.

"Fuck that. That is what you always say. Wh
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