
71 Torture, Anger, Sorrow

Feeling the need to be with her as soon as possible but Vladimir suddenly groaned in frustration when his heart sank when there was no sign of the whereabouts of his beloved Ashlyn. He grabbed the broken tree around the cliff and throw it down with such anger before he screamed over the top of his lungs. Everyone in the pack heard it which fueled their anger and just like a wave, every fallen rogue around the area died.

‘Vlad, find me in an abandoned barn three hundred kilometers away from the pack’s cliff border. It was the in-between pack territory from our neighboring pack of Tosh and Nisha’s mother’s pack. Find me, my love…’

He was starting to lose his sanity when Ruen and Ina found him collapsed on the ground. As if his life was taken away from him but it didn’t since he started to hear the voice of his beloved. It

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