
chapter 58

Koushalya's POV

he left.....

he left for real, I walked up to the main door and locked it. I walked towards my room, not before double-checking the doors if I have locked it or not. I know I'm being silly but whatever happened last was so horrible that I'm feeling insecure now. what if he barks inside again? I'm not ready to take risks.

She walked up to her room and went inside the bathroom, turning on the shower she quietly sat under the shower folding her knees till her chest. closing her eyes, she left the cold water running over her head to till her toes. A sense of relief hit her feeling the cold water against her stiff muscles. she lost her shoulder a bit and relaxed her body while leaning her back on the wall. The quiet atmosphere gave her comfort. she rewinds everything from start, her marriage with Sanjiv, those starting days of blissful married life where she began to fall for him, his unpredictable nature and her dreams, their first time doing the deeds, and how his touch
Aarti Shankar

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