
23. The Cleanse

"Shani, please come inside, I'm Ian and this is Blair."

"Oh my..." Shani looked at the hand mark on Blair's pale neck.

"... I'm sorry for not being able to come sooner. Let's do this now shall we?"

"I'm grateful that you're here now," Blair said as she ushered her to come inside.

"He's full of vengeance Blair, and your fear for him feed his strength. He's growing stronger because of it, but don't worry I'm here now. I'll get rid of him." She smiled sweetly at her.

Ian stood back and watched Shani while standing close to Blair for her support. He had only heard of her from Lisa and Dave, his captain had met the witch before.

He still couldn't believe that he was living in a town where the supernatural has been apart of its people from hundreds of years back. The things he saw and experienced, he would not believe if he hadn't seen it for himself.

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