
Chapter 3

“Where are we going, Mommy?” asked Carrie, my daughter.

I just smiled at her as we packed our belongings because I had already decided that we would return to Manila. Perhaps the five years I spent hiding from my family were enough. Maybe it's time to introduce them to my kids.

As they sat on my bed, I looked at them.

“In mommy's proper home,” I replied, caressing Carrie's cheek.

Her eyes widened as she heard what I said, and she smiled.

“Do you mean I'll see our grandparents, Mommy?” She asked. I nodded, and I messed her hair.

As I saw how excited they were to see my family, I smiled. And will not hide forever because I'm still going back to where I came from.

And I know they're excited because my daughter has asked me why there are only four of us here and where their grandparents are because they want to see them.

“So, mommy, I can see daddy as well?” 

When she asked me again about their father, I was stunned and stopped putting our things away.

What if they find Dominic is the father of my children? Will they take me seriously? If they aren't aware of our relationship.

I looked at Carrie, waiting for my response. I sighed and shook my head before taking her hand in mine.

“You can see your father, but he has a new family, okay? You understand me, don’t you?” I asked. And I noticed she was sad, but she just smiled.

I also explain to them that their father has other family. And I also didn't want to destroy Dominic's image to my kids, because he was still the father.

“But what about us, Mom? Can't we spend time with Daddy?” asked Carrie.

I bit my lower lip and turned away because seeing them miss their father makes my chest tighten.

I feel sad for my children because, instead of them having the right to Dominic, they might end up sharing their father's attention.

But the time has changed now, because our marriage is no longer valid, and Dominic and Sophia are getting married. If I force my children to meet their father, they may become bastards, and they will be hurt.

I'll be the one who suffers, not my children. Because they haven't seen what a Scarlet Venice Knight can do for my kids.

“Come on, Carrie!”

The scene was only stolen when August, who was sad, entered our room. I hugged them, as I cried.

“Sorry! Sorry!”

And I just kept apologizing to them over and over.

This is not the life I wanted for my children. This is not something I want for them. I want them to be happy, but regardless of what I do, it will never be enough to complete them.

I'm sorry, but I'm a useless mother.


They just hugged me, and I could feel Carrie trembling because I knew she wanted to see their father, but we all knew that would not happen.

I continued packing our belongings after the drama between the three of us. I also put my children to bed first, especially Carrie, who had just fallen asleep from crying.

I sighed and caressed Carrie's face before kissing her on the forehead. “Sorry, and I promise no one will harm you.” I smiled and whispered because they were the ones who give me the courage to fight.

Likewise, I will protect them.


“What, Scarlet? Are you ready to face your family?” asked Claire.

Am I ready? Are you ready to return, Scarlet Venice? Are you ready to confront them? I'm not sure if I'm ready, because I'm still worried about what will happen when I return. I hope everything goes well.

When I saw the Perkins building, I just looked out the window. Our trip was safe.

“It's good to be back!” said Claire, after getting off the ride. I frowned at her because she was only in the province for a week.

Claire's staff helped me with my children, who were even more excited than I was.

“Is it okay if you come to our hotel first?” Claire asked. I smirked as I looked at her.

“As long as there is a lot of food.” I said. "My kids are hungry." I looked at my kids and just smiled at them. Claire simply raised her brows and rolled her eyes at me.

“Yes, Lady Scarlet!” 

I just laughed at her as we entered the suite Claire had prepared for us. We'll stay here for a few hours because I have to return to the Knight Palace later tonight.

Sophia and Dominic's engagement party will also take place there. Claire explained that only my family and Dominic's family were in the palace because my grandfather didn't want the celebration to be public to avoid trouble.

I went for a walk after we had been at the hotel for a few hours because I was nervous about going back. Damn.

I took a few deep breaths as I examined the invitation Claire had given me earlier.

Not only that, but I smiled bitterly because I wish Dominic and I could be this proud of our marriage, but I know that won't happen.

“Hey, it's time!” Claire exclaimed as she looked at me. “The kids are excited.”

Nodded. “Okay!” I said, as Claire nodded and shut the door behind me. I examined myself in the mirror before holding the invitation tightly.

Scarlet, you can do it.

As I walked out of the room, I noticed that the three of them were all set up, waiting for me.

“Let's go! My driver is waiting for me downstairs.” I simply nodded and followed Claire.

My children held my hand, and I could tell they were worried about what was going to happen. I sighed to relieve the tension in my chest.

I closed my eyes and gripped my children's hands tightly. I tried not to cry because I needed to support myself after walking away from them.

As a result, Scarlet must bear the consequences. It's totally your fault.

I opened my eyes when Agustin touched me, and he pointed to the Knights' mansion. While Claire's driver parked the car on the side of the road, I was stunned at the massive gate of the Knight Palace.

The palace still hasn't been changed, even though five years have passed. This is where I learned that the family I was born into is a demon.

After Claire's car was parked, I approached my children, who were clearly nervous.

“When we face them, what will you do first?” I asked. They both looked at each other, and turned to faced me again.

“Bow and introduce ourselves,” they said together.

I gave them both a genuine smile. I taught them what I learned when I was young, But I didn't teach them everything I learned because they had to be young. And I don't want them to be like me, who was ignorant of the reality of life.

“Good job, babies! Let's go!” exclaimed Claire. We laughed at her because she was also one of the most energetic.

Claire's staff escorted us until we arrived at the front door. When the Knights' staff saw me standing in front of them, their eyes widened.

They greeted me, “Lady Scarlet, welcome back!” and they bowed to show their respect. I just smiled at them and led us inside.

I even looked at my children, who bowed to the Knights' staff, even though I knew they were worried about how my family would react.

Likewise, I smiled and shook my head because they looked to be trying not to be nervous.

When other our staff saw me, they panicked, so Claire just laughed.

“Lady Scarlet has returned!” exclaimed the general, who was controlling our troops.

I took a deep breath as our staff formed a line and bowed together as we passed, my children holding my dress.

“Welcome back, Lady Scarlett,” they said, even though I knew they weren't expecting it. When I saw Mother Lydia, she couldn't believe that I was the one in front of her, I smiled at her.

When she saw me, tears streamed down her cheeks. She accompanied us to where my family and Dominic's family were.

“Scarlett, welcome back!” said Mother Lydia, as she walked inside.

“Thank you very much; you haven't changed,” I replied with a smile. She gave me a genuine smile and patted my head.

“Many had changed. It's not the same since you've gone missing. Your parents are actually arguing, and your sister has become more—” She came to a halt and covered her mouth when she realized she was saying too much.

“I came to congratulate Sophia and Dominic on their engagement, and I also came back for mom and dad,” I said. She just nodded and stared at me.

I'm also interested in what happened to the Knights after five years. But that's not why I've come here. I returned because I don’t want to run away again. I'd rather face everything because I'm tired of running away from the problem.

When we arrived in the dining room. Except for dad and mom, who seemed to avoid each other, I noticed their smiles and joy in chatting.


I'm tempted to back out. I feel like I just want to leave the province and never return.

Not only that, but I gave a bitter smirk. It's as if I've become an intruder in their home. And I saw Dominic, who was expressionless, and Sophia, who was smiling.

My fists were clenched.

Is this why you didn't even bother looking for me, Dominic? Have you asked yourself why I walked away? Am I no longer in your heart? Is that why you agreed to marry because you thought I left you for no reason?

They seem tired of looking for me, as far as I can tell.

I laughed, What am I to them, huh? A disgrace to the family. A reprimand for breaking any family law. That's how I am in their eyes.




When I heard them calling, I blinked and returned to reality. I turned to face them, and I noticed they were worried about me.

“Are you all right?” asked Claire. I nodded. “Can't we keep going? You look pale!”

I took a deep breath and shook my head, knowing I couldn't go any further. I returned because five years was enough.

We’re here, and I'll proceed. I will not run away anymore. Never, ever again.

I smiled at them after I had calmed down.

“All right, let's go!” I said as I took my children's hands and led them to the front of the dining room.

I took a deep breath before coughing to get everyone's attention and they were silent.

My hands trembled as I grinned and took a deep breath.

“I-I'm Back!” I said, but I knew they were all listening.

When they saw me standing in front of them, they were all shocked.

“S-Scarlet.” I nodded and smiled. 

And I did not return to follow in my grandfather's footsteps. I returned because I know you need my help as well.

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