
Ch. 2 - The Storm Within

Kiera POV

"You would be so weak to allow your chosen to take another!" Athena, my wolf, growled in my head.

"I can't, Athena. Please don't make me," I pleaded silently, my heart heavy. Athena's rage threatened to unleash a war within my pack, but I refused to succumb.

"Are you okay?" Devon's voice cut through my haze of sorrow, concern etched in his brow.

I struggled to breathe, tearing my teary eyes away from Jackson. He was my closest companion since childhood, the man I loved more deeply than words could express. Yet, I knew I would have to let him go.

"Kiera! What is wrong?" Devon's hand rested on my shoulder, grounding me as my body trembled.

"Jackson... his fated..." I whispered, the weight of realization pressing down on my chest.

"His what?" Devon growled, his head swiveling as he searched for Jackson.

My eyes darted frantically, searching for any sign of Jackson or the woman who had captivated him. But they were nowhere to be found.

"Kiera..." Devon's voice softened, tinged with pity. I couldn't bear being pitied or cast aside.

"It's okay. I'll be okay," I reassured him, masking my turmoil with a facade of calm. "Let Jackson meet his fated mate and make a decision without my interference." I jutted my chin in the air to show confidence, but I felt my soul draining away.

Jealousy clawed at my insides, but I couldn't act on it. If I allowed Athena to take control, she would unleash her anger on everyone. My eyes scanned the room, everyone laughing and chatting as if life was fine. But nothing was fine. I needed to get away from here.

"If you'll excuse me. Please tell Jackson I wasn't feeling well," I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Kiera, I'm sorry," Devon said as I turned away. I was sorry too. I was a fool to think life could be perfect.

As I hurried out of the hall, tears streamed down my cheeks. Athena remained silent, but I could sense the storm raging inside, fueled by Jackson's perceived betrayal.

Athena never understood the profound love Jackson showered upon me. She didn't feel the pain of my childhood abandonment, but she shared the scars. Now, grappling with this upheaval, I felt the same loss and confusion again. The fear of being abandoned gnawed at me.

Lost in thought, I turned the corner, seeking solace in my bedroom. But a figure loomed in my path, blocking my way.

A man built like an ogre with murky green eyes held an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. His face twisted into a cruel sneer.

"What have I stumbled upon here?" His voice oozed darkness, his sinister grin making my skin crawl. I didn't recognize him, but I knew he had no good intentions.

He closed the distance with predatory steps, his eyes gleaming maliciously. "A pretty little Luna? All for me?" He taunted, laughter echoing chillingly. His thick fingers crudely grasped my long blonde braid.

I looked defiantly at his hand clutching my hair, took a deep breath to steady myself, and calm my enraged wolf. I wasn't weak and I certainly wasn't in the best mental state. This man had chosen the wrong person to toy with.

Athena surged forward, ready to defend us. "I will never be yours!" I declared, my voice filled with righteous anger. Everything inside me burst into a white-hot rage, and Athena was ready to take control.

The man's eyes gleamed with twisted excitement. "You've got a spark in you. Mmmm, the power inside you is exhilarating."

"I got a lot more than a spark, and I'm pissed!" I replied, my voice hard and deep.

"I'm sure I can help you relieve all that tension," he said casually, oblivious to his imminent danger.

Athena laughed scornfully at his arrogance, irritating the man. I showed no fear of him.

Suddenly, his enormous hand gripped my jaw, slamming me against the wall. "Don't be foolish enough to mock someone like me," he snarled, inches from my face.

I should have called for help, but the primal urge within me craved satisfaction.

"Don't... ever... touch... me!" I growled, each word punctuated with a knee to his groin and a twist of his arm until it snapped, followed by a swift kick to his knee, forcing him to kneel.

"I'm having a terrible night. Apologize," I warned, my voice low and dangerous.

"I'm sorry, please, release me," he pleaded, his tone quickly shifting to desperation.

"Better," I replied, satisfied as I released him.

The blind rage settled, but the fury burned within me. I needed to find Jackson; I needed to know I wasn't being abandoned again.

A familiar voice shattered the tension. "Luna! What is going on?" Andy, a close friend and Delta, rushed down the hall. His light brown hair swayed as he hurried, his tall, lean frame cutting through the air with urgency.

"Oh, goddess!" Andy sighed, running a hand over his face. "Did this idiot try to touch you?"

"He did, and he failed. Lock him up for me. I'll deal with him tomorrow," I ordered, exhaustion in my tone. After witnessing Jackson meet his fated mate, I had enough to deal with.

My mind spiraled, my stomach dropped. Jackson was off somewhere with that woman. What were they doing? Would he choose her over me?

"Of course, Luna. I've got a special cell just for him," Andy replied with a cynical look at the man.

The man showed palpable fear but then smiled, confusion Andy and myself. What was this disgusting man up to? Then a loud bang echoed from the grand hall, causing us to turn in alarm.

He chuckled darkly. "I think I'll be showing you my special cell, one fit for a pathetic Second Luna like yourself."

My eyebrows furrowed. "Second Luna" indicated lesser status within the pack hierarchy. I was Jackson's only wife. I was a Luna!

Another bang echoed, accompanied by vicious growls. My heart began racing in fear of what had happened, what was coming.

"The Dark Wolves are here!" I whispered in pure fear.

The arrival of our sworn enemies meant only one thing: chaos and bloodshed.

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