
Chapter 61

Adelia's Point of View

It was the middle of the night when I jerked awake. Bleary-eyed and confused, I shrugged my blanket off of me. Shivered as the first tendrils of cold touched my spine. The aircon still raced above my head as I slipped out of the warmth of my covers.

The lingering feeling of an unwanted dream swayed inside my mind. Although I couldn't recall it, I knew it wasn't something I wanted to remember. Something that would only spark another sour mood.

Making my way downstairs, I switched on the lights one by one as I went. Cast the house in a glow until I reached the kitchen.

Only to find Michael bent over the counter with a glass of his own in hand. A yelp broke my lips at the sight of him. Haggard-faced with a thin sheen of stubble that dotted his lower face. His eyes, on the other hand, were as alert as ever.

They settled on me with a weight I didn't want anywhere near me.

"You're awake," He mumbled and rubbed a hand over his face.

"And you are in my house," I replied
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