

"Watch." My parents said and I looked at the bodies and was shocked to see the burning flesh and bone rearranging back into a wolf. Soon two wolves were turning to ash.

"Weird isn't it?" My father said and I nodded. Disgustingly weird.

"So are they actual wolves?" I asked and my parents looked at each other.

"I think they started as wolves but learned how to walk and act like humans? I'm not sure, only they know and well we don't socialize to find out." My mother said and the conversation was dropped.


It'd been a few months and Dad was helping me with a partner takedown.

About twenty dummies, wolf and human were placed in front of us.

I looked over at my father and watched with satisfaction as he picked up an axe. He played with the tool in his hands some before giving me a soft smile. I returned the smile and gave him a nod that I was ready.

Not even a second after I gave the signal he hurled the axe and let it loose. The axe flew through the air with such force it sliced through the first dummy's neck like it was butter. He shot me a glance and I gave him a quick smile before I plunged the machete into the temple of the closer dummy. Cold, fake blood trickled from the clean wound left as I pulled out the knife.

The axe still flew trough the air, decapitating three more dummies, before becoming lodged deeply in one's chest. I heard my father chuckle softly and I felt chills run through my body, a good kind of chills.

With a new feeling of adrenaline I lunged at the next dummy and brought the machete up so that it punctured deep into the bottom of the chin and came out the top of the skull with a defining cracking noise. I whipped the blade out and smiled as the fake blood gushed out over my hands.

The dummies were easily taken out by Dad and I and in just mere moments we were done. I looked around us and saw fake blood everywhere and I fought the urge to chuckle. I watched as he walked over to a dummy and pulled the axe out of its head with a sickening, sucking sound.

The axe was covered in fake, wet, glistening blood, just like the machete I held. We were both covered in speckles of fake blood. We put the weapons back on the table and faced my mother who'd been watching, she stared at us for a while with a smile before starting to assess the dummies.

"All death blows, perfect." She said clapping her hands and I grinned.

My life was good. But I couldn't help feeling like something was missing.

How do y'all feel about Katlyn?

Her parents?

I'll update again soon!!!

Lexi's P. O. V.

Clayton sat in his office going through mountains of paperwork. He was busying himself to get over his grief.

It had been over five damn years since Katlyn had been taken by her parents. We'd searched but it was no use... we had no idea where they'd gone.

Clayton felt something break a long time ago... part of Kate was gone... the Reversion had worked, she was a Hunter now that was most likely the case.

He had remained strong for Kaden but I knew he wept at night.

Kaden at the moment was pulling at Michael's ears and tugging his hair. Mike laughed and kept swatting the nearly six-year-old's little hands away.

"Where's Daddy?" Kaden asked and Mike smiled softly.

"You're dad's finishing some work. What you don't want to play with Uncle Mike anymore?" Mike said making a pouty face.

Kaden crossed his little arms, "I wanna see your wolf." He said to Mike and my mate chuckled.

"What do you say Lex? Wanna take the kid out?" He asked and his eyes glowed with his wolf and his mischief.

I'd turned Mike after the war and he was a werewolf now, but it only seemed to enhance his playful behavior.

I quickly mind-linked Clayton and then nodded, "Come on Kade." I said and he bounced up and down in excitement. I couldn't help but smile as we went outside into the misty morning air.

I waited alongside Mike and Kaden watched in excitement as we prepared to shift.

"On three." Mike said and Kaden nodded putting up his fingers.

"One... two..."

Katlyn's P. O. V.

"... three of them!" My dad yelled and I pointed the gun at the beasts rushing toward us. My father was bleeding from a gash in his side and I squeezed the trigger.

The wolves dropped like flies and I flung my gun back in it's holster.

"You okay?" I asked my dad and he nodded. I reached out my hand and hauled him to his feet.

"Come on, we're done here... Where's Mom?" I said and my father nodded toward the car which was parked some distance away.

I nodded curtly and pulled out the gasoline I had in my bag and doused the bodies before igniting the carcasses. The smell of the burning flesh, I had come to terms with it over the years. It was now a nice aroma. Like a little reward. A trophy for the job well done.

My body had changed little over the years. Sure I got a few scars, but they healed well. One could barely even notice them, let alone see them, unless they knew what they where looking for. Plus, I never really noticed how devilishly good looking I was. I'd noticed all those years ago that my eyes were now gold and red-orange. My parents had explained to me that it was all part of being a Hunter and some things just evolved. I was cool with it.

I clutched my chain necklace laced around my neck and fumbled the beautiful ring I'd put on it. I'd found the lovely ring in my room and I couldn't part with it... it was just so gorgeous and I felt a strange need to have it on me. But a ring isn't best in some dire situations so I opted to put it on a necklace instead.

We all hopped into the car and I smiled as my phone rang. I looked at the ID.

It was Jaxon.

"Hey." I said as I answered and his masculine voice greeted me.

"Hey how was the hunt? Everything good?" He asked and I sighed.

"Yeah Dad got slipped up at one point but it's fine." I said and he chuckled a little before he said bluntly, "I'm taking you out tonight." I held back a laugh.

"Okay babe." I breathed.

"That's my girl." Jaxon said and I could hear the smile in his voice. I chuckled and smiled.

"Okay I'm dropping them off at their house. Then I'll go home. What time should I be ready?" I asked and Jaxon sighed.

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