
the victorian's loss

On the other hand, the leader of the Victorians, Francis was mad and complaining to the strange man about how they had been defeated. “If it was not for you underestimating their combat ability, would we have lost like this,” Francis said as the anger in his heart made his chest bulge outwards exaggeratingly every time, he took a breath. You convinced me that the healer was enough for us to go against them, look at where we are right now. If you do not give me an explanation right now, there will be no peace, he said as he looked at the hooded man.

Strangely, the man being talked remained silent, with his lips tightly sealed. He had on a red hood that obscured his face until it was not as visible. Looking at the man that was incessantly complaining, he felt anger begin to brew within his heart, but he forcefully brought his anger down. The good thing was that he had verified that she was different. Her abilities were unique, just like her parents, or should he say even more unique.

The moment he had seen her, he had recognized her. from the small face that had grey arresting eyes to the green eyes she spotted as werewolf. He would know her from any place. the big thing was that she might be the savior that those bastards were talking about. If that was the case, then he had struck gold. He knew all the advantages that came with having the savior by your side, especially for people of his race.

Looking at the weakling before him who kept talking and talking about his loss, the man decided to still keep him until his use was exhausted. “Relax, what you yammering about, it’s like all of you are dead, besides, you still have the healer with you, won’t you won’t be able to recover soon?” the man said in a raspy crude deep sound, that sounded like the ocean waves splashing against the shoreline. His voice was hoarse.

“Now listen, I know you people have been looking for the savior, what if I told you I know where she is. Is that enough to repay all these small losses that you are complaining about.” The man cast his red eyes to Francis, who on hearing what the man said could not resist taking a deep breath in. a mocking smile hung on his thin red lips as he looked at the befuddled man before him. This strong alpha of this pack was only so could. Playing around to be his chess piece was what he was good at.

“I want us to join hands, if you help me to get something I want, you will definitely get the savior you want.” The man said as he smiled mysteriously. After talking for a while, the mysterious man moved from the room having Francis before he moved to his own guest room. There, he finally lowered the red hood that had been covering him. The red hood looked like the ancient hoods worn by roman soldiers. As he raised his hood, slowly patches of pale white skin were revealed. Upwards, glaring dark red thin lips were exposed with extremely white teeth. The canines were elongated to sharp points though they fit in the mouth well.

Afterwards, his steel eyes were exposed, exposing coldness that could freeze the whole of Sahara. No emotions could be seen on his face. Dropping his hand, he stretched it before him, before it started to transform slowly. Claws formed on one hand, while fur started growing on it. But that was the extent of the change. Looking at his hand the strange man sighed. Very soon, I will get all that I need, and just like your parents, you will be a stepping stone towards my victory. He said as he smiled in an evil manner.

Outside, the rest of the Victorian pack members were busy trying to reorganize their place and adjust to their losses. The healer was working among them, swiftly healing the injured which made their recovery faster. This time round, Francis realized that he had really underestimated the power that Thapelo had. He had to plan better this time round if his plan was to succeeded. At this time, he planned on staying silent and acting like they had surrendered while he strove to gather energy for the next attack.

Sitting down, his mind wandered off to the night he had met that strange man. In all the days that they had been together, the stranger never took off his hood, though he was quite ferocious. At first, the man had approached him with a good offer that promised to turn his pack’s strength for the better. The healer, who was called Felisha, was a strong dark brown werewolf, with luminous green eyes. It was at that time that the strange man brought her to him. Seeing her presence, Francis had swallowed saliva deeply as he immediately imagined attacking their longtime rivals.

At that point, the man had supported him, the only thing they were to do was search for a specific werewolf, submit her to him, and then he would offer all their support. They had been busy preparing for the attack when he came and asked him to sit and talk. He wanted them to attack the pack even faster, although he did not give sufficient reason for his hurry in attacking.

They had headed his words, the result of which he was bitterly accepting. They had not known that such a fierce wolf had appeared among that pack. Moreover, her fighting capacity could be equaled with that of a hundred people. That of course left the question of who she was in his heart. On the other hand, at least he could relax a bit. Besides he had promised that they would be able to find the savior if they attacked that pack again.

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