
Temper’s pov

Mark is my daughter's preferred bodyguard, but I do not trust him. Considering his demeanor and his reaction when I suggested that he takes a break off Tiffany case, I do not think he was convinced.

In any case, though, why should I worry about Mark? He was dismissed from the military and I saved him, by offering him a job has my daughter's bodyguard—a six-figure salary. Not a single time have I withheld or delayed his paycheck. I always treat him on a shopping trip because he does such a wonderful job of keeping my daughter safe. What on earth is he looking for this time? If he ever wants to live, he needs to give up on my daughter's case; if not, I will find his mother and have her taken. I am a politician; he should know better than to mess with me. Or should I call on someone to trail him? Yes! I am going to do just that. I need to be specific about what Mark is working on to enable me to mount my guard.

Grabbing my phone, I tried to contact Mark, but for the first time since he became my daughter's bodyguard, he did not answer. He hasn't done this before. I called him again to be certain my guess was awry, and he did the same thing.

A thousand times I called but not for once, did Mark respond nor return my calls. It now occurred to me that Mark was secretly planning to go rescue Tiffany even when I asked him to take a month off and not worry about Tiffany's safety.

Something ain't right. He is so interested in my daughter—why the fuck? Am I overlooking something? I require responses! Is Mark having a relationship with my daughter? I seriously doubt that. I mean, Mark is old enough to differentiate business from emotions. I know She sees him as her brother. Why would he stoop so low as to consider a relationship with my daughter? It is just wrong. I need to delve deeply into this.

As I reached for my phone to call a private investigator to track down Mark, I was startled by a loud knock on the door. I was not even looking forward to any appointments. Why the heck would someone bang on my door like that?

I suspected it was Mark returning to hunt me after discovering I had orchestrated Tiffany's kidnapping. I reached into my drawer and took out my gun for protection.

"Who is there? I asked in a baritone voice to scare the person away while holding the pistol. I was fully prepared to shoot the person on sight.

“It is Dave, your domestic staff from the mansion,”

As I lowered the gun, I felt a sense of relief. My instincts failed me for the first time. I picked no offense regardless. I do not want Mark to show up and ruin everything I have worked so hard for.

“What the fuck do you want?” I do not have the entire day to waste. I was doing something essential before your loud knock cut through me," I screamed from within.

“I have got something to show you. It is about your daughter Tiffany and Mark, her bodyguard.”

“My daughter?” My voice came back to me. It appeared to me as a coincidence. I was about to uncover Mark's tracks when I realized someone had obtained some sensitive information about him. It facilitates my job. There is no longer a need to hire someone to follow Mark. Perhaps Dave's brief explanation will suffice.

"Come in, Dave.

“The door is open,” I agreed, scurrying back to drop the gun into the drawer. Everyone knew how commanding I was, but I did not want to give them the wrong impression by owning a gun.


I sauntered majestically into his exquisite office, which was twice the size of my bedroom. What could I expect from a wealthy billionaire like Temper? Of course, he can turn an office into a mother fucking Paradise.

He would need a larger office to host distinguished guests, given that he was soon to become a senator.

I crept fearfully closer to him, shivering like a hen soaked by the rain. His voice was so loud that it nearly filled my eardrums with resonance.

Alright? Say something! What brings you here? You should have awaited my return. “You did not have to show up.”

“I needed to…" My voice skipped as I stuttered. I would have peed in my panties if I had not exercised self-control and stability. Who would not be drawn to the mighty Temper? His voice exudes fear. At the mention of his name, his opponents shudder and flee to avoid his wrath, which is like a burning furnace.

"I will not hesitate to walk you out of my office if you continue to behave like a dummy. I will also terminate your employment without pay. You are aware that the month will come to an end in a few days, correct?

Another warning jolted me to attention. I knew I had to act fast. Temper dislikes recounting his words, but I was fortunate enough to survive the scare.

I blurted out, “Mark and Tiffany are seeing each other.” It was as if I had a gun to my head.

Temper was perplexed for a few minutes. His reaction was quite justified. Who would not feel that way after learning that their daughter was having an affair with her bodyguard, who wouldn't?

I could feel his distress and irritability. He positioned his hands behind his jaw, thinking. I was not sure what his thoughts were, but it was clear he was thinking about swinging into action.

Before I knew what was happening, I felt a powerful punch. It took me a while to realize that I was the victim. Temper punched me with all of his strength. I skimmed my face and discovered a few potholes. My red, spotless face has abruptly become stiff and bumpy, like a rumpled garment.

Why did he punch me so hard? This was the question I kept asking myself. At this point, I wished I had never come to speak about it. I considered keeping it to myself, but I decided to reveal it because I believed I would be compensated for disclosing such valuable information.

“You got evidence?”

“Hmm!” In response, I gave a nod. My lips are too heavy to be moved. I still haven't gotten over the shock Punch.

“Can I see them?” He requested.

I pulled out my phone and showed him a video of Mark and Tiffany in a compromising position. I immediately edged backward after passing the phone to him to feed his eyes. Once bitten, twice shy. I may pass out if he punches me for the second time in a row; it was a miracle I survived the first.

He stared at my phone while also narrowing his gaze to mine. He did this several times. I felt he needed to make certain the video was not framed.

“Come, take your phone.”

“You can keep it,” I said, panicking. Getting closer to him is equivalent to a death sentence, and I am not ready to die yet.

He hissed and dropped the phone to the desk. He appeared composed yet dangerous. I refused to be fooled by his calm demeanor.

“How long has this been going on, and why are you just telling me?”

" It's been a while now.

I wanted to keep it to myself, but wasnt sure if it will keep happening. I felt bad for not speaking up earlier.

Mark failed to meet my expectations. He was the last person I expected to engage in such actions. Damn! “How disgusting,” I explained.

“For a while now!, and you are just telling me? How many of this video do you have?, and how did you get them? .Tiffany is missing, and I believe Mark convinced her to elope with him,”

Tiffany, missing? It was the strangest thing I have ever heard. Why would Mark do such a thing? He was hired to keep her safe and not destroy her life.

"Have you made any plans to find them? His daughter has gone missing, and he is this calm? You could contact the cops, and your daughter would be easily found. Have you considered that?

“Why worry about the cops when I have got you?”

His statement was extremely concerning Here.

I thought I had made the best suggestion. I just hope he is not planning on making me go find his daughter. I am neither a cop nor a private investigator. Perhaps I made a big mistake approaching him. I should have stayed at home to carry out my domestic duties.

Temper paced around his office, ignoring my question. I swear he was thinking about his lethal move. He returned to his seat and pulled out his drawer. He slowly pulled out the Pistol gun. He gently caressed and kissed the gun.

“A gun?” I screamed in surprise and wanted to flee, but his commanding demeanor changed my mind.

“Get back here.

You have witnessed enough, You saw mark and my daughter ,now you have seen a gun. I think you will be best for this There is no way I am going to let you go!”

Slowly, I returned to him. What an unpleasant encounter! I could feel my soul departing from my body. This is when I wished the ground would just open up and swallow me.

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