
Mood for Sex


They all exclaim in the room, Enzo spat out the remaining water in his mouth. Noello grins wickedly from where he's standing, he reserved that water for those he doesn't like, he hid it in the kitchen where no one would find it, then when unwanted visitors come, he will make them drink it.

"Why are you so naughty?" Signora Ginvera scolds him and grabs his hand and starts spanking his b*tt.

"Don't spank me" Noello yells dramatically and is able to wriggle out of her grip and run to his room.

"Son, are you alright?" Signora Ginvera is concerned about him.

"I want to throw up," Enzo said and rushes out of there to any room he could enter.

"Enzo" Fiorella calls worriedly, she attempts standing but Signora Ginvera stops her.

"Leave him alone for now" She mutters and sighs.


Enzo vomits everything he had eaten, he washes his face and mouth repeatedly.

"Such an awful kid" He mumbles and walks out of the bathroom to see Noello gazing disdainfully at him.

"I know you lik
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