

Nolan decided to check on Audrey in her room. He didn't want her to be angry and start embracing her dark side. Even Lucia didn't say what triggers it which means anything can make her lose her humanity.

*knock* knock*

"Go away." Audrey said

"Sweetie it's me open the door." Nolan said

"Dad, I don't want to talk right now, please go away."

"If you don't let me in I'll just spend the night in front if your door." Nolan said

"Like you can." Audrey retorted ignoring him.

"I'm serious Audrey." Nolan said

"Fine do as you wish." Audrey said

Audrey waited for about thirty minutes and then she opened the door just to see if Nolan was still there and he was.

"Took you long enough. Now can I come in? Or do you still want me to spend the night out here?" Nolan asked

"Fine come on in." Audrey said letting Nolan in.

"Audrey I'll like to apologize on your mom's behalf." Nolan said

"She's not my mom." Audrey retorted

"Okay, I'll like to apologize on your aunts behalf." Nolan rephrased.

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