

Audrey held Hazel's hands and thought of Greta.

"Good job Hazel keep going." Audrey said

She saw Greta talking to Nolan and him turning her down then she got dressed and left the school.

"Hazel I need you to focus." Audrey said since she couldn't see the next step and Hazel nodded.

Greta hailed a cab and headed to Sybil's home.

"Hazel, I need to go." Audrey said taking her hands from Hazel's.


"Evie thanks for your help." Audrey said

"Don't you need backup?" Hazel asked

"I'm a big girl, I can handle myself besides this is a score I need to settle." Audrey said leaving.

"Adrian, Adrian."

"Hazel what's wrong?" Adrian asked.

"It's Audrey she's going to confront the person Greta went to see." Hazel said

"Oh shit. Hazel I have to go." Adrian quickly dialed Nolan's number telling him of the situation.

'Audrey, Audrey can you hear me?' Adrian said via telepath

'Adrian stay out of my head.' Audrey said

'Audrey you can't face Sybil alone?' Adrian said

'Says who?' Audrey ask
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